Username* Email* First Name* Last Name* Password* Confirm Password* Mobile (Optional) Company Name Paypal Email* Do you own your master recordings (If not who does)* Do you own your publishing (If not who does)* To qualify for a Loyalty Tunes Partnership You need to partner with (Or assemble) at least 8 to 12 GOOD recording artists. All artists must be in ONE SPECIFIC MUSIC GENRE. In the background, our app then builds your partnership its OWN MINI STREAMING SERVICE! This entitles you to earn $4.00 per Direct Referral (Subscriber), per month AND $3.00 per month for all INDIRECT REFERRALS! Please enter the names of each one of your 8 to 12 artists below (Including genre), with a link to each of their Facebook page OR YouTube channel. 1.* 2.* 3.* 4.* 5.* 6.* 7.* 8.* 9. 10. 11. 12. LogIn